Vol.2 Soo Young Yoon( TREVARI)
Vol.3は、韓国ソウルは江南と鐘路にふたつと”アジト”を設置し、2015年から読書討論会モデルのコミュニティ運営ビジネス”TREVARI / トレバリー” を展開し、2019年にはソフトバンクベンチャーズから投資を受けるなど、順調に成長を続けるTREVARI / トレバリーの代表・ユンスヨン氏を招いて、以下の点についてディスカッションを実施しました。
“BABEL” is a project aiming to network research and creative independents across the world. Conversations within the network enable attendees to access peer learning and provide opportunities to explore their own career by interacting with each other.
For the third meeting, I invited Soo Young Yoon, the CEO of TREVARI, and discussed the following topic.
TREVARI Official Website. Instagram @trevari_official
・今後のビジネス展開、特に海外への展開 (Tokyo, Singapore) について
・Business operation under COVID-19. How to combine the Offline/Online models.
・Future perspective, particularly, an expansion for Tokyo, Singapore, and beyond.
TREVARI Official Website. Instagram @trevari_official
1- 個人・ひとりひとりの”知識”のレベルをあげること 2- コミュニティの”質”を向上させること
Soo Young explained that what book club TREVARI aims are the followings; to promote individual intelligence and to improve the quality of the community. In order to achieve this goal, TREVARI developed a community-centred business called Reading Discussion Group.
Although TREVARI is currently working under an online model due to the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the founder believes that this will not replace their in-person approach that was maintained in the past 5 years..
Rather, they believe that communities formed under a lockdown world could be dense, and thus focus needed to prepare for further growth with a combination of online and offline approaches after COVID-19.
Soo Young Yoon (CEO / TREVARI), Sungwon Kim (Project Producer) and Yasmin Kiwa Hammer (Translation support)
For more information, please feel free to contact “BABEL”. We are regularly holding meetings across the globe for cultural research.